


Resilient, integrated, and mission-focused cyber solutions

The cyber threat landscape is always expanding as connectivity grows between physical and digital systems. Cyber threats can compromise critical information, disrupt operations, undermine national security, and even put lives in jeopardy.Ìý

As one of the world’s largest cybersecurity solution providers, ÎÞÓÇ´«Ã½ routinely defends against advanced persistent threats. Our clients include Fortune 500 and Global 2000 companies, essential services and critical infrastructure, and nearly every U.S. federal, defense, and intelligence agency. Together, we help you keep your business and your mission secure.

As one of the world’s largest cybersecurity solution providers, we’re inventing and integrating what’s next so you can defend against the toughest adversary.

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The digital lines across civil government, defense, intelligence, and private industry are increasingly interconnected.


To our adversaries, it's one cyber battlespace. Immersed in the nation's most critical cyber missions, ÎÞÓÇ´«Ã½ cyber elite are now on one team to provide cross-sector mission understanding and battle-tested approaches that enhance the way our nation tackles cybersecurity. We leverage our advanced labs to rapidly prototype, scale, and deploy superior tools and solutions to outpace the adversary and defend what matters most.


Securing national cyber takes a collective approach across government and industry. At ÎÞÓÇ´«Ã½, we work with you to integrate defensive and full-spectrum cyber solutions to provide the greatest mission impact. Because in today's threat landscape, our nation needs more than cyber resiliency, it needs cyber superiority.Ìý

We combine cross-sector mission understanding, battle-tested approaches, and ready-to-deploy solutions to transform the way the nation tackles cybersecurity.Ìý

Defensive Solutions
cyber risk concepts
We apply adversary insights to protect U.S. critical infrastructure and federal assets against advanced persistent threats. We use adversary insights, client mission and network expertise, and an expansive vendor partner network to develop and integrate solutions in:
cyber risk concepts
Full-Spectrum Solutions
We enable the Department of Defense (DOD) and the intelligence community to conduct full-spectrum cyber operations against advanced adversaries in contested Areas of Responsibility (AOR). We leverage vulnerability insights, mission tradecraft, cutting-edge lab infrastructure, and defensive insights to develop:
Full-Spectrum Cyberspace Operations Development Environment
Foundational and Specialized Toolkits
Cross-Domain Solution Platforms
Enabler Delivery Tools and Training Kits

Explore More of Our Leading Cyber Solutions


Woman with a headset on looking at dual computer screens.
Gear icon

ÎÞÓÇ´«Ã½'s DarkLabs

DarkLabs offers a portfolio of services built by industry experts with decades of experience countering nation-state-level cyber threats, offering actionable insights, force-multiplying research and training, and leveraging rock-solid defenses to secure your organization against even the most advanced adversaries.

Resilient Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT)

Woman with a headset on looking at dual computer screens.
Map pin location.

Resilient Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT)

We protect mission-critical technology in all domains. System security for defense forces, businesses, and critical infrastructure depend on protecting access to trusted and accurate PNT.

Cybersecurity for Business

Woman with a headset on looking at screen
Cyber Shield Icon

Cybersecurity for Business & Industry

We approach cybersecurity as a business-enabling function that empowers our clients to fulfill their missions.

Secure Connected Health

Two doctors looking at brain scans on desktop computers.
Heart with padlock icon.

Secure Connected Health

We bring together the entire healthcare community—including medical device manufacturers, regulators, and medical providers—to build safe and cybersecure health ecosystems.

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Have what it takes to protect the valuable and the vulnerable from the world's most advanced adversaries?

Apply to join our multidisciplinary team of elite cyber professionals.